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PDFs vs Websites: Which Format is Better for Brand Guidelines?

For decades, PDFs have been the go-to format for brand guidelines. They were easy to share, and a convieneint digital export of our print files.

But it's long past time to reassess whether PDFs are still the best choice for sharing our brand with everyone who uses it.

The Legacy of PDF Brand Guidelines

Portable Document Format (PDF) files have been a staple in the world of brand guidelines for good reasons:

  1. Cross-platform compatibility: PDFs worked seamlessly across different operating systems.
  2. Designed Layouts: PDFs could reliably layout images and text on a physical page with tools like InDesign.
  3. Print-friendly: PDFs are easy to print, making them ideal for physical distribution.

Even ten years ago, many brands were still delivering brand books that were print-centric. PDFs were a natural choice for digital distribution. Their ability to maintain layout integrity across devices made them a reliable option for brand managers and designers alike.

But if you haven't guessed by now, things have changed.

Brands are moving

As we progress further into the digital age, the way brands communicate has undergone a significant transformation:

  • Digital-first: Most brands now are designed with digital in mind. Some brands are never printed. But regardless of the channel mix, guidelines should be able to communicate the brand in every medium.
  • In Motion: More and more brands are being designed and delivered with motion elemetns, animations and video guidance built-in. The format for our brand guidelines needs to support these dynamic brands.
  • Interactive: In addition to motion, many brands are rightly considering how digital layouts and components can reflect the brand.

All three of these are hard to deliver with a PDF.

As brands become more dynamic, their guidelines need to keep pace.

PDF vs Website: A Comprehensive Comparison

We've created a handy comparison table to help illustrate how brand guidelines stack up on PDF or Websites:

Custom typography
Custom colour palettes
Custom image assets
Custom layout
Video and animation
Interactive components
Easy to create✅ (with Guidelines)
Easy to share
Stays up to date
Easy to search
Easy to embed
Easy to collaborate
Easy to translate
Easy to download assets

Web-based guidelines offer several advantages over their PDF counterparts

The Advantages of Designing Your Guidlines For Web

Let's delve deeper into some of the key benefits of using websites for your brand guidelines:

1. Dynamic Content Integration

Unlike PDFs, websites can seamlessly incorporate video content and animations. This capability allows brands to showcase their visual identity in motion, providing a more comprehensive and engaging representation of the brand.

2. Interactive Elements

Websites enable the integration of interactive components, such as download links and one-click integrations with deisgn tools. These features make it easier for users to understand and apply brand guidelines correctly.

3. Real-Time Updates

One of the most significant advantages of web-based guidelines is the ability to update content in real-time. This ensures that all users always have access to the most current brand information, reducing the risk of outdated guidelines being used.

4. Improved Searchability

Website-based guidelines can be equipped with powerful search functionality, making it easy for users to find specific information quickly. This is particularly beneficial for large, complex brand guidelines.

5. Collaborative Editing

Web platforms often support collaborative editing, allowing multiple team members to contribute to and refine the guidelines simultaneously. This feature promotes consistency and helps keep the guidelines up-to-date.

6. Enhanced Accessibility

Websites can be optimized for accessibility, ensuring that brand guidelines are available to all users, including those with disabilities. This aligns with modern inclusive design practices and legal requirements.

7. Analytics and Insights

Web-based guidelines can incorporate your own analytics tools, providing valuable insights into how users interact with the guidelines. This data can inform future updates and improvements.

Overcoming the Challenges of Website-Based Guidelines

While the benefits of web-based brand guidelines are clear, theses have often taken a lot of work to create.

That's why we built Guidelines.

Online Guidlines Made Simple

Guidelines is a modern, collaborative tool designed to address these challenges and make creating beautiful, functional web-based brand guidelines easier than ever:

  • User-Friendly Interface: Guidelines offers an intuitive platform that doesn't require extensive technical knowledge.
  • Design Control: The tool provides precise design controls, allowing you to accurately represent your brand's visual identity.
  • Collaborative Features: With Guidelines, teams can work together in real-time, streamlining the creation and maintenance of brand guidelines.
  • Brand Management: The platform includes the tools to create, edit and manage access to brand assets, letting your team create on-brand guidlines with the colors, stypes and logos you choose.

Making the Transition: From PDF to Web

If you're considering making the switch from PDF to web-based brand guidelines, here are some steps to ensure a smooth transition:

  1. Audit Your Current Guidelines: Review your existing PDF guidelines and identify all the elements that need to be transferred.

  2. Plan Your Structure: Outline how you want to organize your web-based guidelines. Consider user flow and accessibility.

  3. Choose the Right Platform: Select a tool like Guidelines that offers the features you need without requiring extensive technical knowledge.

  4. Migrate Your Content: Transfer your content to the new platform, taking advantage of web-specific features like interactivity and video integration.

  5. Test and Refine: Before launching, thoroughly test your new web-based guidelines across different devices and browsers. Gather feedback and make necessary adjustments.

  6. Train Your Team: Ensure that all relevant team members understand how to use and update the new web-based guidelines.

  7. Communicate the Change: Inform all stakeholders about the transition to web-based guidelines and provide guidance on how to access and use them.

Conclusion: Embracing the Future of Brand Guidelines

As we've explored, while PDFs have served us well for many years, web-based brand guidelines offer significant advantages in today's digital-first world. They provide the flexibility, interactivity, and real-time updating capabilities that modern brands require.

With tools like Guidelines making it easier than ever to create and manage web-based brand guidelines, there's never been a better time to make the switch. By embracing the format, you can ensure that your brand guidelines are not just a static document, but a living, breathing resource that evolves with your brand and meets the needs of all your stakeholders.

Ready to take your brand guidelines online? Explore Guidelines and discover how easy it can be to create beautiful, functional, and accessible web-based brand guidelines.