Guidelines Access
Give select users access to your brand guidelines
Guidelines lets you control who can access your brand guidelines, with public, password and account-based access.
Access Control
Choose the access level for your teams
Guidelines offers three levels of access to a site on Guidelines. You can change the access level of your site at any time:
Public Access
Anyone with the link to your Guidelines site can view it. You can also allow or disallow search engines to index your site, allowing or preventing your site to be displayed on search engine results.
Password Access
Anyone with a password you set can access your Guidelines site. This can be helpful when you don't want to create individual accounts for everyone who needs access to your site. Your password can be changed at any time.
Account Access
Only users with access to your Guidelines organization can access your site. This can include your team, external collaborators with different email addresses. You can even grant access to SSO users or specific email domains, allowing your team to get access instantly, without having to grant access to individual users.
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